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Selçuk Kaan Tabakçı

Asst. Prof., Philosophy


I received my Ph.D. from the Philosophy Department at the University of California, Davis, in 2024. Before that, I received my M.A. from the University of Alberta and my B.A. from Boğaziçi University.
Broadly construed, my research revolves around technical and philosophical questions in the area of logic. For instance, I am currently interested in the following questions: “Why and how do logical inferences determine the meaning of logical operators?”, “Do logicians who endorse different logics talk past each other?”, and “How can we construe negation as a modal operator?” I also conduct research in metaphysics, especially in areas where metaphysics and formal systems intersect. One research question I am currently interested in is how to reconcile mereological universalism—the thesis that any two objects compose another object—with intuitively true modal claims such as “There could be an even number of objects” and “If there are n-many objects, then possibly there are n+1-many objects”.

Research areas

Philosophical Logic , Philosophy of Logic , Metaphysics , Philosophy of Science , Philosophy of Mathematics , Philosophy of Language



PhD, University of California, Davis, USA


MA, University of Alberta, Canada


BA, Boğaziçi University